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4.2 ( 7312 ratings )
Economía y empresa Productividad

SAYLII give you the insights you need to create better experiences and get more reviews/rankings.

Capture in real time what customers think about their experience with your business via audio/video.

Simply download and place on an iPad/iPhone at your front desk/checkout/cashier...

Get feedback on the spot. If you are a business that captures very little of what your customer think (especially the happy ones) - this app is for you.

SAYLII takes what you capture and makes it easy for you to:
> Post experiences as authentic reviews online
> Post experiences as a continuous steam of content for your social media pages. (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin, and Youtube)
> Gain insights on how to improve the experience you provide

The app also includes:
Loyalty: Create and manage coupons to give customers an incentive to return
Analytics: Analyze who’s reviewing you and what they have to say
Legal: Get legal disclaimers signed

So go ahead and replace those tedious surveys/emails and start capturing on the spot.

For tech support, email [email protected].